Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Night Shift

Yes I know it has been a very long time since my last post, but I can truly say that I have been busier now than I have ever been before. I have become addicted to overtime!! I guess the fact that I didn't work for 8 months, has made me a lunatic who just cannot get enough. So, feeling rundown and regretting the extra time I had signed on for this week I was able to make a sweet deal! The day shift was incredibly short Tuesday morning, I offered to stay until 11am in exchange for Friday night off. Now I am off until NEXT Tuesday!!! Just what I needed after working 5 twelve hour shifts in a row. Now I can actually see my family and maybe even do something fun for the fourth of July. I did a little research on working the night shift,, here is what I found. (maybe Pastor Buddy could preach about this!)

Nov. 2007- Studies suggest that there is a link between circadian rhythm (body clock) disruption and cancer. Night shift work may cause cancer!

"The human sleep-wake system is designed to prepare the body and mind for sleep at night and wakefulness during the day. These natural rhythms make it difficult to sleep during daylight hours and to stay awake during the night hours, even in people who are well rested. It is possible that the human body never completely adjusts to nighttime activity and daytime sleep, even in those who work permanent night shifts."

"In addition to the sleep-wake system, environmental factors can influence sleepiness in shift workers. Because our society is strongly day-oriented, shift workers who try to sleep during the day are often interrupted by noise, light, telephones, family members, and other distractions. In contrast, the nighttime sleep of day workers is largely protected by social customs that keep noises and interruptions to a minimum" (I can relate, especially on days that the lawn needs to be mowed!"

"Working the night shift increases your likelihood of hormonal imbalances, psychological distress, sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal problems. Hormones most commonly affected: adrenaline, cortisol, testosterone, and melatonin."

Don't get me wrong, working the graveyard shift (I hate that term) is not all bad! It certainly has its perks...
-an amazingly significant shift differential! cha-ching!
-it is usually calm, without lingering managers and administrative personel.
-tight bonds with co-workers, sometimes they are all you've got in a crisis!!
-very little traffic on the way to work and again on the way home. (no line at dunkin donuts for my coffee fix!!)

I promised my oncologist that I would chill out for a while, but that is in another post!!

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