Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The results are in!

Well, I don't know what I was so scared for, I knew that scan would be NEGATIVE. I did the "cancer-free happy dance" for a few hours after learning the results. Just wanted to thank everyone for prayers and well wishes! It sure does work. I do have to go see a pulmonologist (lung doctor) as my oncologists suspects I have a problem either with reactive airway (like asthma) or pulmonary fibrosis (stiffening of the lungs). Lets all pray its the reactive airway because pulmonary fibrosis gets progressively worse throughout a persons lifetime. So, now I go for Lung function tests on wednesday and see pulmonary doc on the 30th. No biggie, I am fearless. :)


Mandy Cornick said...

Praise God!! What a test of faith! I know how it feels to get the "all clear" from the doc...nothing better! Keep me posted with the other tests. I've also struggled with lung issues lately, however mine is related to acid reflux which causes me to have asthma.....but I can handle that!

Michon said...

I believe He is my healer!! I didnt know acid reflux could cause asthma, I have acid reflux and have been out of my nexium for a few weeks,,hmmm I wonder.

Mandy Cornick said...

yes yes yes! Many people who have acid reflux also have asthma. I was in denial for awhile because of my history...thought it had to be something more. I went through every test (pulmonary specialist, allergist, etc) and everything came back fine. The more I kept track of it the more I realized what it was. I have to be careful with chocolate and red sauces now...of course my favorite things! It may be worth looking in to!