Saturday, July 5, 2008

3 Month check-ups are underway!

It is difficult for me to believe that it has only been 3 short months since I have completed chemotherapy, and a mere 2 months since finishing radiation therapy. It feels like an eternity! I have been praying a lot, thanking God for leading me to Him and also for healing me. I have asked for my continued well-being, though I am ready to handle what ever God has planned for me (for better or worse!). At this emotionally exhausting time in my life, I have been drawn closer to my church community. I guess I figure I better give more of myself to show God how grateful I am. (plus being able to interact with the PreK kids is really fun!!) I find a great deal of comfort at Northway Church! Everyone there is just so AWESOME. Anyway, so far I have been checked over by my oncologist and my radiation oncologist who both are extremely optimistic that I am in complete remission, but I have yet to be scanned. My P.E.T. scan is scheduled for August 11th, which happens to be my 33rd birthday. (33 already? MAN!!) I cannot seem to shake the fear of this scan! I ask for your prayers and good thoughts to help get me through!! I am sure it will be fine, but like I have said in a previous post, cancer survivors are always afraid that the "cancer bus" is coming back for them!!! My Oncologist first read me the riot act for working so many ridiculous hours, stating that I must not forget the trauma my body has been through. Is he completely bonkers? OF COURSE I CANT FORGET!! It was my body that had to be injected with poison that made me actually incapable of living, followed by the "miracle" shot of nuelasta that made every bone in my body feel as if it were broken, then being radiated to the point that my skin was peeling off and my lungs may be permanently damaged! Who can forget having their neck cut open for tumor samples? Or how about that port-a-cath that was implanted into my chest wall for 8 months. I will never forget the 4 inch needles that were drilled into my hips for bone marrow biopsies, WITHOUT ANESTHESIA! I cannot forget the unbearable stress that my wonderful husband and family had endured watching me go through this and not being able to take any of it away. I was working so much overtime these past few months to get caught up and ahead of the game,,because if the bus does come back for me, I don't want him to have to work so hard! But then I think about the day in December when that scan came back clear 3 months early. I will NEVER forget how I was crying so hard into the phone from the Oncology parking lot telling my dad I was cured, telling my mom and my sisters that I was cured, telling my husband that God cured me 3 months early! I had suffered enough. He heard my prayers. Most of all, I heard Him calling me. My oncologist also told me I was quite amazing! He said that one could look at me and not even be able to tell that I had just finished chemo less than 3 months ago. He also said that most of his patients don't have a fraction of my energy and could not possibly work full-time 12 hour shifts in an intensive care unit. I told him it wasn't me that is so amazing.


Mandy Cornick said...

AMEN!!! God is sooo good!! And I'm glad to have met you!

Michon said...

Mandy, YOU ROCK!! I'm am so glad to have met you too! My life is so different now, and it is great to be able to surround myself with so many wonderful people!