Friday, May 23, 2008

The Night Shift.

Well, I have been working the night shift (7pm-7am) for a few weeks now, and to be honest, I don't know if I am coming or going. I am truly having a difficult time adjusting to it. (the extra shifts I picked up probably doesn't help much either) It is so bizarre working over night, I catch myself doing crazy things like picking up the phone to call my sister. (something I am used to doing at work) HOLD ON!! It is 3 am, she will surely kill me for this. Our unit has all of these glass doors and windows so that we can see all of our patients, When the lights are turned off the place fills with all of these creepy reflections. I can't tell you how many times my own reflection has made me jump! And waking people up to do things to them in the middle of the night isn't very nice either. I do work in an intensive care unit, so most of my people are happily sedated. But not all of them are. I remember being in the hospital and being woken up every 2 hours to have my blood pressure taken. It is annoying, and is it really necessary all the time? Surely not for every patient. Anyway, this shift is not agreeing with my body at all. I dont know when to sleep or eat, I am sleeping when I used to eat, and eating when I used to sleep, so therefore, I am never really hungry or tired. I just pray that I can figure this out, because I need to make some money to pay off these doctors who treated me! To get our stability back will be priceless. Stay tuned for more night shift antics!!

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