Thursday, May 1, 2008


While I was in the hospital last September, my stepson Kevin asked me if he could bring home a puppy.
He pleaded his case, and in my fragile state, I caved and said yes. Mind you, we already have two yappy chihuahuas not to mention the two cats (one of which with only three legs). I met Rex when I came home a few days later.
He was black with gold flecks in his fur, he had big grey-blue eyes and he wasnt THAT little, at 10 weeks and 20 pounds. I guess I had forgot to ask what kind of puppy he was. It quickly became clear to me that he was a pitt bull.
I had known all along that I would end up providing all of the care to this creature, as Kevin and Norm were working full-time, and I would be at home everyday for the next few months undergoing chemotherapy.
I soon changed his name from Rex to Wrecks, he was like a bull in a china shop. He grew so fast! At his first vet appointment, the vet actually said "Whoa! He is gonna be a big guy!". Now he is Eight months old and around 75-80 pounds and still growing. The problem is, that he was raised with two Chihuahuas, and subsequently thinks he is one. (Not a good thing to have Wrecks jump up on your lap!) We are now the best of friends, though he does try my patience from time to time. Like how he waits till I am asleep to stick his big girraffe-like tongue up my nose! He is very intelligent, and surprisingly gentle and loving.
I think this breed has gotten a bad name by being forced to fight under the control of bad people. I must admit however, that a dog like Wrecks takes a LOT of work. I speant many afternoons teaching him to sit, stay, shake, heal. I saved him from the pound, and he helped me to keep my mind off of being sick. Wrecks has never seen me as a "cancer patient". He is a proud and majestic animal who deserves every bit of love and respect he has been given. This beautiful, but nutty dog holds a very special place in my heart. He is truly my best friend. (A title that he shares with Norm!)

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